At Pure Goat Soapworks we have a special love for orphans since our oldest two children came to our family through adoption. As a way to support orphans and adoptive families, we choose to support Reece’s Rainbow, an adoption charity that raises grants for waiting special needs children and families adopting special needs children.

Did you know that the statistic are bad – very bad – for children who age out of orphanages in Eastern Europe? Justice For Orphans reports:
“In Ukraine & Russia kids who “age-out” face a bleak future. Statistics reveal that 10-15% commit suicide before the age of 18. 60% of the girls are forced into prostitution (human trafficking). 70% of the boys become hardened criminals. Ukraine has the highest number of victims of human trafficking in all of Eastern Europe with about 117,000 annually. Those at greatest risk to fall prey to traffickers: the poor, uneducated, unskilled = aged-out orphan girls!”
Children with special needs like Down Syndrome are transferred to adult mental institutions, sometimes at ages as young as 6, and are left to languish.
Reece’s Rainbow is an adoption grant charity that raises money for specific waiting children and offers grants to help offset the high costs of adoption. They also provide a way for adopting families to fundraise for their adoption, and allow others to make tax-free donations.
It breaks my heart to know that there are so many children without parents to love and care for them, who await a bleak future if they are not adopted. We aim to help by donating 100% of the profits of specific soaps to families adopting through Reece’s Rainbow. Click here to see the soaps available this month.
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